Thursday, July 3, 2014

We're proud to be an American

Throw back 4th of July circa 1994. Selfie Fail.
Pre-Pinterest outfit awesomeness.
For us, Fourth of July has always been a family affair. Well, who am I kidding; anything is always a family affair with our family. But I am totally okay with that. Whether we were rocking amazing pre-Pinterest homemade stars and stripes apparel or crowed around in a backyard watching fireworks with giggly grandmothers and screaming children, Independence Day has always been a fun holiday for us!
I don’t know if it’s due to being a Marine’s daughter, a soldier’s grand-daughter or a seaman’s niece, but we have a lot of American pride deeply rooted in us. Whenever people ask where we are from (like, “from-from”, our heritage, not our hometown) I say America. We’ve been here long enough, and take a lot of pride in our family’s American history. Not a day goes by that my Daddy or Nana isn’t flying an American flag in the yard- and you sure better not let that thing touch the ground, you better fold it correctly, and then dispose of it properly. So this 4th of July, let’s remember that the day isn’t about the party, the fireworks, the drinks or the food. Let’s do remember what Independence Day means, where we’ve come from as a nation, and love those who fought to get us to this point. But, let’s do this with a party, fireworks, drinks, food, family and friends.

We generally have a 3rd of July celebration and ring in the 4th with fireworks. We’ll do that tonight, and celebrate through the weekend. So, have a safe and fun 4th of July weekend!

Food & Family. Our sweet cousin enjoying her Uncle Jeff's famous chicken leg last year on the 4th.

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