I thought it would be appropriate for our firsts few posts to take a turn introducing ourselves. I'll go first!
Hallie Susannah
Hallie-lujah, Halliepeña, Hallie Berry, Star, Hallie Su
Favorite activities:
DIYing. Dumping glitter by the gallon on anything I can find and painting everything I own a horrid shade of purple, pink, turquoise or red that should only be reserved for playground equipment. I love it. I'll share my best and worst crafts here and I hope some of you have the same tacky taste as me.
Cooking and baking. I love having like 20 people over and cooking a full spread for all my friends. However I'm a total kitchen bitch and my anxiety goes straight to a 10 if you get in my way or watch too close. I also get high anxiety if everyone goes too far away that I can't hear everything they're saying. Damned if ya do, damned if ya don't.
CrossFit. I promise not to talk about it too much here because I know crossfitters get a bad rap. Just know that I am obsessed and it keeps me sane.
Gardening. My flowerbeds are perfectly imperfect. My half grass/half sticker weeds yard is about as good as it's gonna get. My teeny tiny little vegetable garden is hilariously out of control. But it makes zucchini and okra like you wouldn't believe. I have no clue what I'm doing but I LOVE it. It runs in my family and I hope someday my yard is half as gorgeous as my Nana's and Mama's are.
Music. When I was in college, I spent more nights at the Blue Light than I did at home. I would still do that if I could 1) afford it and 2) wake up and smell good and be productive at work the next day. I LOVE hanging out with my friends, watching live TEXAS music and drinking beer. Being at the front of the stage with my rowdiest friends, all soaked in beer, tunes, and mutual affection is my happy place.
Water. The ocean (Cabo has my heart), a boat on the lake (surfing behind a boat), floating the river with my girls (#DamnBabesFloatin'Fandango), sitting by the pool or heck, even putting the sprinkler under the trampoline. Summer is my jam. I only wish the sun loved this little fair skinned girl as much as I love it.
Style Inspiration: Dwight Yoakum is the epitome of cowboy cool. Miranda does Texas glitz like nobody else. Kacey Musgraves has coined my new favorite term "acid western" which I think is going to define my style more and more over the next few months. Iris Apfel is a badass - look her up. This old lady my Nana is friends with named Virginia that wears denim broomstick skirts with boots and all the turquoise jewelry you can imagine and shoots rattlesnakes off her front porch. Dolly Parton's hair. Willie Nelson, just everything about him. In fact, all the Highwaymen - Johnny's all black, Waylon's leather vests + aviators, Kris's timelessness. Thelma and Louise - I mean hello THUNDERBIRD. And I seriously looked at my sister the other day and said "where would anyone be without the Junk Gypsies." They're right up there with Jesus and George Strait for me.
My intentions for this blog are to give myself a creative outlet, share my love of Texas and document my life and travels as I discover what it's like to be an "adult" in the real world. I've been out of college for six months if you haven't figured that out. I used to have a music blog where I blogged religiously about Texas music. I loved it, but I can't keep up with it or go to as many concerts as I used to. I plan on writing about that some here. I think I'll be pulling the load in the music and DIY (aka dump glitter'n'shit on everything you buy at a thrift shop) departments. I think Elizabeth will focus more on photography and design (she's awesome). And we'll both tackle food, travel, and style. I'm so so so excited to see where this goes!
I'll leave you with my favorite quote from the great Ray Wylie Hubbard...
"The days I keep my gratitude higher than my expectations, I have really good days."